Chocolate Covered Strawberries

food-0071As mentioned in the post on Wednesday, Chocolate Covered Strawberries were on the menu for the week.  These are not only stunning, but very simple to


White Chocolate Chips (with real cocoa)
Chocolate Chips- Dark, Milk, or Semi-Sweet
Vegetable or Canola Oil
2 Ziploc Sandwich Bags

Melt chocolate chips in separate saucepans on low, stirring frequently.  Add about a 1/2 tsp. of oil to each pan- this helps to make the chocolate a little smoother for dipping.

While melting chocolate, wash berries and dry well with a paper towel.  If there is any water on the strawberry, the chocolate will not hold. 

Once the chocolate is melted, remove from heat.  Dip the strawberries individually and place on a parchment covered cookie sheet.  Cool in refrigerator. 

Reserve about a 1/4 c. of each chocolate.  Add another 1/2 to 1 tsp. of oil to both.  This will make drizzling easier.

Cut a very tiny corner off of both sandwich bags.  Pour chocolate into bags.  Very gently ease the chocolate out of the corner hole, first practicing on a plate and then drizzle over berries.  Be creative with your design and find joy in the fact that no two berries will be exactly alike.

Have left over chocolate?  Break out the pretzel rods and make another yummy treat!


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