Tasty Tuesday Series Part II – A night at the Roxberry

It’s Tasty Tuesday and I’m christening our “Eating the Wasatch” Page with its first food establishment

Ok, So I’m not endorsing Pepsi, but that really is one of the best commercials EVER. Clearly I can’t think of the word Roxberry without thinking of the film or the song. I know, my cleverness meter is dropping.

The other day I was out running errands and again, I hadn’t planned enough healthy snacks so I needed to feed my starving children something that wasn’t garbage. Enter Roxberry.

So Roxberry is a Utah Based Establishment where you can get Smoothies, fresh juice and frozen yogurt. Obviously not interested in the frozen yogurt, even before I went plant-based, my daughter declared their plain flavor tasted like bread yeast, we have been calling it the Yeastberry ever since. However, I found out last week that they offer green smoothies. I’m not talking about the kind with added sherbet or frozen yogurt, or copious amounts of sugar, but real green smoothies that are vegan with recipes created by the Green Smoothie Girl herself, Robyn Openshaw. Here is the menu if you click on it, click the green smoothie tab and check it out!

The Highland location was so nice when I went in, they even recommended their favorite flavor (Iron Strong), and when the customer before me downed a shot of wheat grass, they noticed I was eyeballing the remaining wheat grass juice behind the counter, they offered it to me for free and even gave me a carrot juice chaser. They also let me know I could add Sun Warrior Vegan Brown Rice Protein Powder for free to my smoothie if I wanted (I opted not too, but cool to know it’s available!)

If you did or heard about my Green Smoothie Challenge, you know how much I love Green Smoothies and that they are amazing for weight loss and health! They energize me, give me tons of nutrients and make me feel swell. I still drink at least a quart of  Green Smoothie everyday.

Good on Roxberry for offering such a healthy fast food alternative!

9 thoughts on “Tasty Tuesday Series Part II – A night at the Roxberry

  1. Before we got the juicer and when we were getting bored with the vitamix (how is that even possible?), I found these but am too cheap to stop in again. Our closest location (Murray) has a drive-thru – LOVE THAT!!!! Probably need to reincorporate into my life, especially when I am tempted at Costco which is just up the road.

  2. totally heard this song on the radio today and matt and I both got headaches as we did the head thing. Then I started doing the rest of it from the movie and he freaked out a bit since I was driving. Didn’t break a window though – bonus!

    • Laughing my butt off! Dude, I have it on my running playlist on my shuffle. I need lots of clearance to do the head thing and run at the same time. Watch out!

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